Where academic tradition
meets the exciting future

TUCS Newsletter 22.8.2012

Content of the newsletter


TUCS research programme activities


TUCS research programme email lists

We have created mailing lists for the four TUCS Research Programmes: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

The lists are promoted at the Åbo Akademi mailman page at https://mailman.abo.fi/ Through there you can subscribe yourself to any of the lists, or unsubscribe from them. You can also give the link to any of your colleagues interested in announcements relevant to the TUCS Research Programmes. Currently, each list is already populated with each research programme's members, as listed on their websites.

The lists are public. Anyone can join them, so they are really valid only for announcements and some public discussion. Any list member can post to the list freely. External senders' postings are moderated.


TUCS publication input interface: intelligent fields for publication forums

As promised in the TUCS Newsletter in May 30th, we have now launched intelligent fields in the TUCS publication database input/update interface for the publication forums lists of the Ministry of Education. The new fields, as the whole input interface, are described in the TUCS Publication Database submitter's guide at http://tucs.fi/publications/guide/. The idea is to support the user in writing the name of the journal/conference and at the same time display the number of points carried by that publication according to the classification of the Ministry of Education.


Upcoming INFORTE.fi events

“Software Patenting”, 21-22 August 2012, Tampere

Information and registration: http://inforte.jyu.fi/events/software-patenting
Location: Tietotalo (TB207), Tampere University of Technology (Korkeakoulunkatu 1, Tampere)
Speakers: Dr. Shmuel Ur (Shmuel Ur Innovations), Harri Koivisto (Papula-Nevinpat)
Organiser: Mika Katara, Tampere University of Technology

“Social Network Analysis”, 13-14 September 2012, Helsinki

Information and registration: http://inforte.jyu.fi/events/social-network-analysis
Location: Helsinki
Speaker: Professor Molly Wasko (University of Alabama at Birmingham)
Organiser: Virpi Tuunainen, Aalto-University

“Contingency Management based on ICT”, 8-9 October 2012, Turku

Information and registration: http://inforte.jyu.fi/events/CM_ICT
Read the abstract at http://inforte.jyu.fi/events/CM_ICT.
Location: Turku
Speakers: Mayumi Hori (Hakuoh University), Masakazu Ohashi (Chuo University)
Organiser: Reima Suomi, University of Turku


The 22nd Annual BioCity Symposium

Personal Genomics – From Technologies to Applications. August 23-24, 2012 in Mauno Koivisto Centre, BioCity, Turku



Crosslinks Turku 2012 - CANCER

Turku Science Park hosts an annual scientific crosslinking event aimed at facilitating connections between researchers, clinicians and industry partners.

In collaboration with local researchers and industry we host a mixed scientific program for professionals specialising in clinical and fundamental research with cancer research as the central theme of the seminar this year.

The event is scheduled to take place on Wednesday 22nd August 2012, from 14:00-18:00, followed by cocktails and a buffet. The Crosslinks Turku - CANCER seminar takes place at the Mauno Koivisto Centre in the BioCity building, and will be filled with scientists with diverse expertise ranging from cell biology and animal models to materials sciences and clinicians from local hospitals, as well as researchers from local Biotech and Pharma.

The Crosslinks Turku - CANCER seminar will highlight areas of basic sciences in cell biology, use of animal models in clinical research and the use of materials in therapeutic delivery. Clinical aspects concerning biobanking in Turku and local biomarker research will be reviewed. Additionally, several talks will focus on the benefits that industry and academia can have through collaboration, and how assets from academia can be transferred to industry.

More information at http://www.turkusciencepark.com/tapahtumat/4/crosslinks-turku-cancer-facilitating-success-developing-cancer-therapy-and-biomarkers/


FET Newsletter

The latest edition of the EU’s FET (Future and Emerging Technologies) Newsletter has just been published at: http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/programme/docs/fp7-fet-nl-11_en.pdf

Topics in this edition include:


Courses on transferable skills at University of Turku

Continuous seminars & courses

First Article Language Checking Service
Time: 1.3.-31.12.2012- nb! summer break 15.6.-15.8.2012
Target group: PhD students at the University of Turku working on their first article for publication (in English)
Organizers: The University of Turku Language Centre and UTUGS

Life after PhD - Seminars in the Fall 2012
Time & Place:

Target group: PhD students, supervisors, other researchers and those interested in the topic
Further information: eeva.sievi(at)utu.fi
Organizer: UTUGS

Frontiers of Science Seminars
Time: on Thursdays at 12.00
Place: Mauno Koivisto Centre auditorium, BioCity (Tykistökatu 6, Turku)
Organizers: Biomaterials Research, Centre for Reproductive and Developmental Medicine, Diagnostic Technologies and Applications, Receptor Program, Systems Biology Program, Program for Infection Biology and Infectious Diseases, Doctoral Programmes participating in Turku BioNet

Tieteen popularisointi – näin kerron tutkimuksestani (1 op)
Tohtorikoulutettava kirjoittaa väitöskirjatutkimuksestaan lyhyen (max. 4500 merkkiä) ja yleistajuisen jutun, luetuttaa tekstin ensin ohjaajallaan ja jatkaa tekstin työstämistä Suomen Akatemian tiedottajan Risto Alatarvaan kanssa. Valmis juttu julkaistaan Suomen Akatemian Tietysti.fi-sivustolla.
Järjestäjä: UTUGS ja Suomen Akatemia
Lisätietoja: Eeva Sievi (eeva.sievi-at-utu.fi, 040-1612970) ja Risto Alatarvas (risto.alatarvas-at-aka.fi, 040-828 0648)

"Suomen kielen klinikka" for international students and staff
Target group: all non-Finnish speakers at the university who already are at the level of being able to express themselves in written and oral Finnish (=B to C-level)
Further information: Markku Nikulin (marnik-at-utu.fi)
Organizer: suomen kielen oppiaine


Tutkimus ja Tekijänoikeudet
Aika: 5.9.2012 klo 8.30-16.00
Paikka: Tauno Nurmela -luentosali, Turun yliopiston päärakennus
Ilmoittautuminen: 27.8.2012 mennessä www-ilmoittautumislomakkeella: http://www.webropolsurveys.com/Answer/SurveyParticipation.aspx?SDID=Fin512769&SID=33eee8d0-33ec-4b4b-b738-e9cbee1b4afa&dy=452567161
Lisätietoja: eeva.sievi-at-utu.fi
Järjestäjät: IPR University Center , Oikeustieteellisen tiedekunnan tohtoriohjelma & UTUGS

Academic Writing (2 ECTS)
NEW TIME: on Tuesdays starting 11.9.2012 at 12.30-14.00 (10 times)
Place: to be announced
Registration: by 31.8.2012 via eRegistration (max. 16 participants)
Organizer: UTUGS

Academic Presentation Skills (2 ECTS)
Time: on Thursdays starting 13.9.2012 at 14-16 (10 times)
Place: to be announced
Registration: by 3.9.2012 via eRegistration (max. 12 course participants)
Organizer: UTUGS

Life Course Research
Time: 14.9.-15.10.2012 (see the programme for details)
Place: Seminar room 471 (4th floor), Publicum (Assistentinkatu 7)
Instructor: Juho Härkönen (jupehar-at-utu.fi), Department of Social Research, University of Turku
Registration: by 7.9.2012 to marja.andersson-at-utu.fi
Organizer: Doctoral Programme of the Faculty of Social Sciences

Työoikeutta tutkimuksen ammattilaisille (3 op)
Aika ja paikka:
Ke 19.9. klo 13-17 (Cal 3, Vänrikinkatu 2)
To 20.9. klo 13-17 (Cal 3, Vänrikinkatu 2)
Ti 25.9. klo 14-17 (Cal 3, Vänrikinkatu 2)
Ke 26.9. klo 14-17 (Cal 3, Vänrikinkatu 2)
Vastuuopettajat: työoikeuden professori Martti Kairinen ja professori Kevät Nousiainen
Ilmoittautuminen: 6.9.2012 mennessä www-ilmoittautumislomakkeella
Järjestäjä: UTUGS


Courses on transferable skills at Åbo Akademi University

EFFECTIVE PRESENTATIONS IN ENGLISH in Turku & Vasa During the course you will get the opportunity to make different kinds of presentations and you will get constructive feedback from teacher and colleagues. Clips from the content:

Time and place: October 5th & 19th; Åbo and October 12th & 26th; Vasa
Facilitator: Patrick Gallagher, BA, Cert. TEFLA

För dig som har eller kommer att ha rösten som arbetsredskap. Under kursen lär du dig använda din röst på bästa sätt, sköta om sin röst, undvika sådant som kan vara illa för rösten. Tid och plats: november-december, både Åbo och Vasa

SÖK I NELLI - portalen för databaser, e-tidskrifter och e-resurser, 2h
Tidpunkt: Alt 1. 25.9.2012 kl. 10.15-12
Alt 2. 23.10.2012 kl. 13.00-15 (In English)
Alt 3. 20.11.2012 kl. 10.15-12

Introduktion till referenshanteringsprogrammet RefWorks och hur man använder Write-N-Cite då man skriver texter i Microsoft Word. Vi lär oss att importera referenser till vår egen referensdatabas, skapar mappar och editerar referenser. Vi övar oss i att göra en referenslista och hur man kan jobba offline (utan Internet) med programmet.
Tidpunkt: Alt 1. 2.10.2012 kl. 10.15-12
Alt 2. 30.10.2012 kl. 10.15-12 (In English)
Alt 3. 27.11.2012 kl. 10.15-12


Open jobs at University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University


TUCS GP travel reports

TUCS GP Student Mikołaj Olszewski's Travel Report from ENASE 2012

TUCS GP Student Bo Yang's Travel Report from NaNoC Summer School 2012

TUCS GP Student Tingting Lin's Travel Report from AWBMAMD 2012

TUCS GP Student Yuliya Prokhorova's Travel Report from Summer School Marktoberdorf 2012

TUCS GP Student Eyal Eshet's Travel Report from ICMB 2012

TUCS GP Student Eyal Eshet's Travel Report from HCC Summer School 2012

TUCS GP Student Sebastian Okser's Travel Report from PARA12

TUCS GP Student Petter Sandvik's Travel Report from COORDINATION 2012

TUCS GP Student Petter Sandvik's Travel Report from UPMARC Summer School 2012

TUCS GP Student Muhammad Nazrul Islam's Travel Report from IADIS IHCI 2012

TUCS GP Student Khalid Latif's Travel Report from COMPSAC 2012

TUCS GP Student Adnan Ashraf's Travel Report from EIT ICT Labs Summer School on Cloud Computing 2012


Latest publications at TUCS

Edited proceedings:

Articles in journals:

Articles in proceedings:

Chapters in edited books:

Technical reports: