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TUCS Newsletter 22.8.2012
Content of the newsletter
- TUCS research programme activities
- TUCS research program email lists
- TUCS publication input interface: intelligent fields for publication forums
- Upcoming events
- 2012 BioCity symposium
- Crosslinks Turku 2012 – CANCER
- FET Newsletter
- Courses on transferable skills at University of Turku
- Courses on transferable skills at Åbo Akademi University
- Open jobs at University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University
- TUCS GP travel reports
- Latest publications at TUCS
TUCS research programme activities
- Com3 guest talk: Mathieu Sablik (Aix-Marseille Universite, France), August 7, 2012
- Rites guest talk: Dejan Vuokbratovic (University of Novi Sad, Serbia), August 15, 2012
- Rites guest talk: Maurizio Palesi (Kore University, Italia), August 10, 2012
TUCS research programme email lists
We have created mailing lists for the four TUCS Research Programmes: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
The lists are promoted at the Åbo Akademi mailman page at Through there you can subscribe yourself to any of the lists, or unsubscribe from them. You can also give the link to any of your colleagues interested in announcements relevant to the TUCS Research Programmes. Currently, each list is already populated with each research programme's members, as listed on their websites.
The lists are public. Anyone can join them, so they are really valid only for announcements and some public discussion. Any list member can post to the list freely. External senders' postings are moderated.
TUCS publication input interface: intelligent fields for publication forums
As promised in the TUCS Newsletter in May 30th, we have now launched intelligent fields in the TUCS publication database input/update interface for the publication forums lists of the Ministry of Education. The new fields, as the whole input interface, are described in the TUCS Publication Database submitter's guide at The idea is to support the user in writing the name of the journal/conference and at the same time display the number of points carried by that publication according to the classification of the Ministry of Education.
Upcoming events
“Software Patenting”, 21-22 August 2012, Tampere
Information and registration:
Location: Tietotalo (TB207), Tampere University of Technology (Korkeakoulunkatu 1, Tampere)
Speakers: Dr. Shmuel Ur (Shmuel Ur Innovations), Harri Koivisto (Papula-Nevinpat)
Organiser: Mika Katara, Tampere University of Technology
“Social Network Analysis”, 13-14 September 2012, Helsinki
Information and registration:
Location: Helsinki
Speaker: Professor Molly Wasko (University of Alabama at Birmingham)
Organiser: Virpi Tuunainen, Aalto-University
“Contingency Management based on ICT”, 8-9 October 2012, Turku
Information and registration:
Read the abstract at
Location: Turku
Speakers: Mayumi Hori (Hakuoh University), Masakazu Ohashi (Chuo University)
Organiser: Reima Suomi, University of Turku
The 22nd Annual BioCity Symposium
Personal Genomics – From Technologies to Applications. August 23-24, 2012 in Mauno Koivisto Centre, BioCity, Turku
Crosslinks Turku 2012 - CANCER
Turku Science Park hosts an annual scientific crosslinking event aimed at facilitating connections between researchers, clinicians and industry partners.
In collaboration with local researchers and industry we host a mixed scientific program for professionals specialising in clinical and fundamental research with cancer research as the central theme of the seminar this year.
The event is scheduled to take place on Wednesday 22nd August 2012, from 14:00-18:00, followed by cocktails and a buffet. The Crosslinks Turku - CANCER seminar takes place at the Mauno Koivisto Centre in the BioCity building, and will be filled with scientists with diverse expertise ranging from cell biology and animal models to materials sciences and clinicians from local hospitals, as well as researchers from local Biotech and Pharma.
The Crosslinks Turku - CANCER seminar will highlight areas of basic sciences in cell biology, use of animal models in clinical research and the use of materials in therapeutic delivery. Clinical aspects concerning biobanking in Turku and local biomarker research will be reviewed. Additionally, several talks will focus on the benefits that industry and academia can have through collaboration, and how assets from academia can be transferred to industry.
- The Crosslinks Turku Cancer seminar is open for registration until full.
- Full program detail are available at our website
- For more information about the seminar please contact Merja Tieaho
([email protected])
More information at
FET Newsletter
The latest edition of the EU’s FET (Future and Emerging Technologies) Newsletter has just been published at:
Topics in this edition include:
- The brand new FET-Open Xtrack objective, and other new FET funding opportunities
- The FET Flagships Pilots Final Conference, which took place in Brussels in July
- The ICT Proposers' day in Warsaw (26&27 September 2012)
- New projects launched in FET
- Information about FET projects in our "La vie des projets" section, featuring TERAFLUX, HIVE, MINOS and PLANTOID.
Courses on transferable skills at University of Turku
Continuous seminars & courses
First Article Language Checking Service
Time: 1.3.-31.12.2012- nb! summer break 15.6.-15.8.2012
Target group: PhD students at the University of Turku working on their first article for publication (in English)
Organizers: The University of Turku Language Centre and UTUGS
Life after PhD - Seminars in the Fall 2012
Time & Place:
- 10.9.2012 at 13.00-16.00, Research funding management - applying, agreeing upon and managing research funding at the University of Turku, Lecture Hall II, University Main Building,
- 08.10.2012 at 14.00-16.00, Introduction to EU's Charter&Code and Eurodoc, Lecture Hall II, University Main Building,
- 05.11.2012 at 14:00 - 16:00, Researchers' mobility, Lecture Hall II, University Main Building,
- 11.12.2012 at 14:00 - 16:00, Akateeminen kulttuuri (in Finnish), Tauno Nurmela lecture hall, University Main Building,
Target group: PhD students, supervisors, other researchers and those interested in the topic
Further information: eeva.sievi(at)
Organizer: UTUGS
Frontiers of Science Seminars
Time: on Thursdays at 12.00
Place: Mauno Koivisto Centre auditorium, BioCity (Tykistökatu 6, Turku)
Organizers: Biomaterials Research, Centre for Reproductive and Developmental Medicine, Diagnostic Technologies and Applications, Receptor Program, Systems Biology Program, Program for Infection Biology and Infectious Diseases, Doctoral Programmes participating in Turku BioNet
Tieteen popularisointi – näin kerron tutkimuksestani (1 op)
Tohtorikoulutettava kirjoittaa väitöskirjatutkimuksestaan lyhyen (max. 4500 merkkiä) ja yleistajuisen jutun, luetuttaa tekstin ensin ohjaajallaan ja jatkaa tekstin työstämistä Suomen Akatemian tiedottajan Risto Alatarvaan kanssa. Valmis juttu julkaistaan Suomen Akatemian
Järjestäjä: UTUGS ja Suomen Akatemia
Lisätietoja: Eeva Sievi (, 040-1612970) ja Risto Alatarvas (, 040-828 0648)
"Suomen kielen klinikka" for international students and staff
Target group: all non-Finnish speakers at the university who already are at the level of being able to express themselves in written and oral Finnish (=B to C-level)
Further information: Markku Nikulin (
Organizer: suomen kielen oppiaine
Tutkimus ja Tekijänoikeudet
Aika: 5.9.2012 klo 8.30-16.00
Paikka: Tauno Nurmela -luentosali, Turun yliopiston päärakennus
Ilmoittautuminen: 27.8.2012 mennessä www-ilmoittautumislomakkeella:
Järjestäjät: IPR University Center , Oikeustieteellisen tiedekunnan tohtoriohjelma & UTUGS
Academic Writing (2 ECTS)
NEW TIME: on Tuesdays starting 11.9.2012 at 12.30-14.00 (10 times)
Place: to be announced
Registration: by 31.8.2012 via eRegistration (max. 16 participants)
Organizer: UTUGS
Academic Presentation Skills (2 ECTS)
Time: on Thursdays starting 13.9.2012 at 14-16 (10 times)
Place: to be announced
Registration: by 3.9.2012 via eRegistration (max. 12 course participants)
Organizer: UTUGS
Life Course Research
Time: 14.9.-15.10.2012 (see the programme for details)
Place: Seminar room 471 (4th floor), Publicum (Assistentinkatu 7)
Instructor: Juho Härkönen (, Department of Social Research, University of Turku
Registration: by 7.9.2012 to
Organizer: Doctoral Programme of the Faculty of Social Sciences
Työoikeutta tutkimuksen ammattilaisille (3 op)
Aika ja paikka:
Ke 19.9. klo 13-17 (Cal 3, Vänrikinkatu 2)
To 20.9. klo 13-17 (Cal 3, Vänrikinkatu 2)
Ti 25.9. klo 14-17 (Cal 3, Vänrikinkatu 2)
Ke 26.9. klo 14-17 (Cal 3, Vänrikinkatu 2)
Vastuuopettajat: työoikeuden professori Martti Kairinen ja professori Kevät Nousiainen
Ilmoittautuminen: 6.9.2012 mennessä www-ilmoittautumislomakkeella
Järjestäjä: UTUGS
Courses on transferable skills at Åbo Akademi University
EFFECTIVE PRESENTATIONS IN ENGLISH in Turku & Vasa During the course you will get the opportunity to make different kinds of presentations and you will get constructive feedback from teacher and colleagues. Clips from the content:
- What makes a good presentation?
- How to make good use of visuals
- Body language - presenting a positive image
- Language strategies and techniques for effective presentations
- Useful words, phrases and the structure of presentations
Facilitator: Patrick Gallagher, BA, Cert. TEFLA
För dig som har eller kommer att ha rösten som arbetsredskap. Under
kursen lär du dig använda din röst på bästa sätt, sköta om sin röst,
undvika sådant som kan vara illa för rösten. Tid och plats:
november-december, både Åbo och Vasa
SÖK I NELLI - portalen för databaser, e-tidskrifter och e-resurser, 2h
Tidpunkt: Alt 1. 25.9.2012 kl. 10.15-12
Alt 2. 23.10.2012 kl. 13.00-15 (In English)
Alt 3. 20.11.2012 kl. 10.15-12
Introduktion till referenshanteringsprogrammet RefWorks och hur man
använder Write-N-Cite då man skriver texter i Microsoft Word. Vi lär oss
att importera referenser till vår egen referensdatabas, skapar mappar
och editerar referenser. Vi övar oss i att göra en
referenslista och hur man kan jobba offline (utan Internet) med programmet.
Tidpunkt: Alt 1. 2.10.2012 kl. 10.15-12
Alt 2. 30.10.2012 kl. 10.15-12 (In English)
Alt 3. 27.11.2012 kl. 10.15-12
Open jobs at University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University
- University of Turku:
- Åbo Akademi University:
TUCS GP travel reports
TUCS GP Student Mikołaj Olszewski's Travel Report from ENASE 2012
- Full name of the event: 7th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE)
- Place and date: Wroclaw, Poland, June 29th–30th 2012
- Type of event: Conference
- My article:
- Title of paper: Agile Development with Stepwise Feature Introduction
- Authors: Mikołaj Olszewski and Ralph-Johan Back
- The scientific profile of the event: The conference took place in Wrocław, one of the largest and most influential cities in modern
Poland. The event was co-located with ICEIS (International Conference on Enterprise Information
Systems). By presenting a publication at ENASE the author was allowed to participate in the talks
of ICEIS. The keynote speeches were held jointly for both events.
The publications presented during the conference focused more on presenting novel approaches to software engineering and construction, rather than on evaluating them. Two themes were frequent: incremental software development and the analysis of requirements. Additionally, a session on Model-Driven Architecture and Model-Driven Software Engineering was held. - Opinion on the best paper and its topic: “Social Adaptation: When software gives users a voice” - the authors presented an idea of a system that improves itself (mostly its user interface) based on what users do in particular situation. The idea was described in a form of a software for planning trips and showing timetables – as soon as the software “discovers” that the user is at the airport, it should hide the trip planning and emphasise timetables, whereas at home it should do the opposite.
- Organisation and other details: The conference was held over two days. 23 papers were presented, of which 12 were accepted as short papers. In addition, three projects were presented during a poster session. The acceptance rate of ENASE 2012 was said during the conference to be around 25% for full papers. ENASE and ICEIS were held at the same time in the same building, therefore it is difficult to estimate the number of people visiting ENASE alone. I estimate that there were around 70 people participating in both events.
- Social events: The social event was organised at the first day of the conference, in the castle of Książ, about 80 km south-west from Wrocław. The event included a guided tour in the castle, a banquet, a recital of classic songs and showcase of sword fighting. Unfortunately, the tight schedule of the event left very little time for discussions with other participants of the conference.
- Touristic impressions:
- The conference location: Wrocław University of Economics is located in rather nonattractive part of Wrocław, about 2.5 km from the city centre. It has very good tram and bus connections, but nothing else to offer.
- The accommodation: Hotel “Orbis Wrocław” is located about 1 km from the University, on the way to the city centre. It has a high standard (including a swimming pool) and good breakfast included in a very reasonable price.
- The city: Wrocław hosts one of the most beautiful Old Towns in Poland, the monumental painting “Panorama Racławicka”, countless parks and thousands of other attractions (churches, museums, probably the most famous Polish zoo, etc.). In terms of international tourism the city is much under-appreciated, but definitely worth visiting. Due to a high number of students it is a “young” city, friendly towards visitors.
- Getting around: Wrocław has an extensive tram network and trams are the easiest and fastest way of transportation. The bus network adds to that, making public transport a good choice. The public transport works all day and night, throughout the year. The ticket machines are located in every vehicle and on the most important stops. Tickets for a number of days (1 to 7) can be obtained (1 day = 5 €) are available and valid in every bus or tram. The historical city centre is a traffic-free zone and it is best to be visited by foot. Cycling paths are being built in the city. The drivers in Wrocław are reckless, the streets are bumpy and packed with traffic, therefore unless you can handle the stress, I would vote against driving a car there.
- Getting there: Probably the biggest problem is getting to Wrocław.
- By rail: Polish rail network is not particularly effective (Warszawa 6h, Poznań 3h, Kraków 5h, Gdańsk 9h, Berlin 5h), so it should be used only when absolutely necessary. The central railway station in 1km from the Old Town; there are several stations throughout the city that serve mostly local traffic.
- By road: The connections to Wrocław range from very good (motorway to Kraków and Dresden) to mediocre (Poznań, Warszawa).
- By airplane: The airport is very well connected to München, Frankfurt and Warszawa (1h) with several flights per day and reasonably connected to Gdańsk (1h15m). There is only one flight per day to and from København, Düsseldorf and Lwów.
TUCS GP Student Bo Yang's Travel Report from NaNoC Summer School 2012
- Full name of the event: NaNoC Summer School 2012
- Place and date: Munic, Germany, June 11th–13th 2012
- Type of event: Summer School
- The scientific profile of the event: During these three days the project partners gave in-depth presentations and tools on the design methods and tools developed in the NaNoC project. The NaNoC project embeds these methods and tools into the final design platform taking the NoC as an additional component in the system, thus enabling the componentization approach. There also were two keynote presentations: Interconnection networks in many-core SoC platforms, Luca Benini (University of Bologna), and Energy-efficiency in network-on-chips: An industry perspective, Sriram Vangal (Intel)
- Opinion on the best paper and its topic: Industry requirement for network-on-chip interconnect solutions. This presentation highlighted industry requirement to network-on-chip solution from Intel Mobile Communication.
- Number of participants: 30+
- Social events: A traditional German dinner at a famous restaurant in Munich.
- Touristic impressions: The summer school was held in the campus shared by Intel and Infineon, which gave me a good chance to experience the working atmosphere in modern IT companies.
TUCS GP Student Tingting Lin's Travel Report from AWBMAMD 2012
- Full name of the event: Academy of World Business, Marketing & Management Development Conference
- Place and date: Budapest, Hungary, June 16th–19th 2012
- Type of event: Conference
- My article:
- Title of paper: IT and IS Outsourcing Research in International and Chinese Academia: A Comparative Literature Review
- Authors: Bo Yang and Tingting Lin
- The scientific profile of the event: As in the conference name, the topics are mostly on business, marketing and management. So it is not a conference on any specific topics (e.g. Information Systems), but on general business subjects. The specialty of this conference is that the participants are very international, so it is good for following trends and find potential collaborations in business academia in different parts of the world. Especially, there are many researchers from Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, who would be otherwise quite hard to reach in other conferences in Europe.
- Opinion on the best paper and its topic: The presentation which impressed me most was this one passionately presented by the second author, Dr. Corné Davis from University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
Health Communication in South Africa: A Luhmannian Perspective
I am also interested in communication. Although this presentation is not in the field of IT, it gives a good example for adopting the Luhmannian perspective to treat communication as a symbolic process. - Number of participants: About 150 from 31 countries
- Social events: Conference cocktail on the first day, in Budapest Business School; Conference dinner on the last day, in the conference venue (hotel restaurant)
- Touristic impressions: Budapest is a big city full of beautiful old buildings. The traditional baths are interesting places to visit and relax. Food is generally nice and inexpensive, but too salty in my taste.
TUCS GP Student Yuliya Prokhorova's Travel Report from Summer School Marktoberdorf 2012
- Full name of the event: Summer School Marktoberdorf 2012 “Engineering Dependable Software Systems”
- Place and date: Marktoberdorf, Germany, July 31st – August 12th, 2012
- Type of event: Summer School
- The scientific profile of the event: The "Marktoberdorf Summer School" is a course for students and researchers working in the field of formal software and systems development. The aim of the course is to give a presentation of state-of-the-art topics, to promote international contacts and collaboration between leading researchers and young scientists from all over the world. The summer school is a well known event with more than 40 years experience. It covers the broad range of topics related to engineering dependable software systems starting from requirements engineering through the entire process, using methods to verify the software system with model checking, methods to detect faults with testing as well as formally proving systems behavior by verification.
- The Summer School topics were as follows: model-based testing; requirements engineering: from goals to system specification; abstraction, refinement and decomposition for systems engineering; how to verify software; families of dependable systems: a model checking approach; verifying execution traces; performance analysis by model checking; risk-driven engineering of requirements for dependable systems; model-based verification and analysis for real-time systems; model-driven engineering and model transformation: for fun and profit; symbolic execution and software testing; model checking and synthesis.
- Opinion on the best paper and its topic: I really enjoyed the entire course. However, the best three presentations in my opinion were Michael Butler’s “Abstraction, Refinement and Decomposition for Systems Engineering”, Kim Larsen’s “Model-based Verification and Analysis for Real-Time Systems” and Manfred Broy’s “Requirements Engineering: from Goals to System Specification”.
- Number of participants: 105
- Social events: barbecue dinner, concert of “Quadro Nuevo”, excursion to Fellhorn, farewell dinner with the talent show. On the free day the participants could choose either to visit Munich, or to hike in Alps, or to visit two beautiful castles: Hohenschwangau and Neuschwanstein.
- Touristic impressions: The summer school program was quite full, however well organized. It contained a lot of activities that aimed at collaborating participants. In addition to the events included in the program, during the breaks we could also enjoy the walk to the centre of Marktoberdorf or to the beautiful lake near the village.
TUCS GP Student Eyal Eshet's Travel Report from ICMB 2012
- Full name of the event: International Conference on Mobile Business (ICMB 2012)
- Place and date: Delft, The Netherlands, June 20th–22nd 2012
- Type of event: Doctoral consortium at the conference
- My article:
- Title of paper: Human-Centered Design in Mobile Application Development: Assessment of Lightweight Methods for User Research
- Authors: Eyal Eshet
- The scientific profile of the event: The conference mainly addresses business models and factors that affect everyday mobile consumers. On the consumer level, the conference focuses on usage patterns, preferences, and behavior of consumers and how it affects the whole industry. Telecom operators from Belgium and the Netherlands shared their view of the mobile industry and presented their innovation business model (Mobile Vikings, Belgium). Another panel was held with application providers from the Netherlands.
- Opinion on the best paper and its topic: The best presentation was by PhD Rahul Basole (Georgia Tech) and his colleagues titled: Understanding Mobile Ecosystem Dynamics: A Data-Driven Approach. They combined multiple data sources to visualize and analyze the increasingly complicated mobile industry, including all its ecosystem players. The longitudinal research captures changes in the ecosystem and how it affects the different players.
- Number of participants: About 100
- Social events: Dinner at the Museum Het Prinsenhof in Delft
- Touristic impressions: Delft is located between Rotterdam and The Hague, about 45 minutes by train from Schiphol airport. The town center is typical Dutch with many canals and postcard-like streets. Several hotels are located in the center and are within walking distance from the university. The town is known for its University of Technology that arranged, and was the venue for, the conference.
TUCS GP Student Eyal Eshet's Travel Report from HCC Summer School 2012
- Full name of the event: 1st Summer School on Human Computer Confluence
- Place and date: Milan, Italy, July 18th–20th 2012
- Type of event: Summer School
- The scientific profile of the event: Human-Computer Confluence (HCC) is a research program studying how the emerging symbiotic relation between humans and computing devices can enable radically new forms of sensing, perception, interaction, and understanding. The summer school included an introduction of the fundamental theories and interdisciplinary nature of HCC, Design of HCC applications, and experience from HCC projects. In addition students were divided into groups and worked on a proposal for an innovative HCC project. The projects were later presented and evaluated by industry and academy experts.
- Opinion on the best paper and its topic: Prof. David Benyon (Centre for Interaction Design at Edinburgh Napier university) talk on Living in Blended Spaces – physical and information (digital) spaces. He provided some general guidelines on how to design for creating blended spaces.
- Number of participants: 40 students (Ph.D. and Master level), about 20 academy and industry experts in HCC.
- Social events: Dinner at a local sea food restaurant, lunches, farewell cocktail.
- Touristic impressions: The Summer School was hosted and organized by the Doctoral School in Psychology of the Faculty of Psychology at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano – the largest private university in Italy. It is located very close to the center of Milano (Duomo) and can be easily reached by public transportation or walk.
TUCS GP Student Sebastian Okser's Travel Report from PARA12
- Full name of the event: Workshop on the State-of-the-Art in Scientific and Parallel Computing
- Place and date: Helsinki, Finland, June 10th–13th 2012
- Type of event: Conference
- My article:
- Title of paper: Parallel Feature Selection for Regularized Lest Squares
- Authors: Sebastian Okser, Tapio Pahikkala, Antti Airola, Yuefan Deng, Tero Aittokallio, Tapio Salakoski
- The scientific profile of the event: The primary purpose of PARA12 was an examination of the State of the Art in Scientific and Parallel Computing with a special theme "Towards Exascale". Numerous sessions dealt with the issue of not only how to scale modern computers to such a scale, but also on methods of development for programs that could work on such machines. The presented topics covered a wide variety of parallel-based computational pages, including but not limited to: Applications of Heterogenous Computing, HPC Interval Methods, Exascale Applications and Applications of Parallel Computing in Industry and Engineering.
- Opinion on the best paper and its topic: In my opinion the best paper and most interesting topic was presented by Kuznetov and was titled ‘Solving Sparse Symmetric Rank-Deficient Systems of Linear Algebraic Equations on Multi-Core Architectures’.
- Number of participants: Approximately 100
- Social events: Reception at Finlandia Hall and dinner at ravintola Lasipalatsi
TUCS GP Student Petter Sandvik's Travel Report from COORDINATION 2012
- Full name of the event: Coordination Models and Languages, 14th International Conference (COORDINATION 2012)
- Place and date: KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, June 14th–15th 2012
- Type of event: Conference
- My article:
- Title of paper: Node Coordination in Peer-to-Peer Networks
- Authors: Luigia Petre, Petter Sandvik, and Kaisa Sere
- The scientific profile of the event: The 7th International Federated Conferences on Distributed Computing Techniques (DisCoTec) took place on June 13-16 in Stockholm, and acted as an umbrella conference for Coordination, DAIS, and FMOODS/FORTE. Together, these conferences cover a wide spectrum of distributed computing subjects. The Coordination conference focused on design and implementation of models that allow compositional construction of large-scale concurrent and distributed systems. DisCoTec started with a poster session on June 13, and ended with workshops on June 16, which I also attended.
- Opinion on the best paper and its topic: I enjoyed the "industrial session", in which talks were given by representatives for three different companies about relevant technologies: Spotify (peer-to-peer network for audio streaming), Peerialism (real-time peer-to-peer video streaming) and Severalnines (distributed databases).
- Number of participants: In the DisCoTec conferences combined approximately 80, but on the final day there were also workshops whose participants were not all attending a conference
- Social events: Apart from lunches, there was a boat trip from Stockholm city centre to the city of Vaxholm and back, with dinner aboard the ship.
- Touristic impressions: KTH is situated conveniently close to where the Roslagsbanan light railway ends and meets the Stockholm metro. As I have been in Stockholm many times before, I did not spend much time exploring the city. Instead I had a look at some of the beautiful places that the Roslagsbanan light railway passes on the 19 minute trip from KTH to Täby, the site of the recommended hotel north of the city centre.
TUCS GP Student Petter Sandvik's Travel Report from UPMARC Summer School 2012
- Full name of the event: UPMARC Multicore Computing Summer School 2012
- Place and date: Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, June 18th–20th 2012
- Type of event: Summer school
- The scientific profile of the event: The objective of the school is to offer insight into emerging technologies, industrial applications, and tutorials on programming for multicore architectures and the push towards ubiquitous parallel platforms. The theme of UPMARC Summer School this year was "Dependability and Reliability in Shared-Memory Parallel Programming". There were six different lecturers in total, four of which were from academia and held multiple long sessions each, and two with industrial connections giving shorter talks.
- Opinion on the best paper and its topic: I really enjoyed Gernot Heiser's four sessions on "How to build a truly dependable system", in which he described the development of a formally verified microkernel.
- Number of participants: 65
- Social events: Apart from the lunches, there were two dinners. The first one was a three-course dinner at one of the student nations. Before this dinner there was a guided tour of the historical parts of the city. For the second dinner, a bus trip to the viking burial mounds at Old Uppsala was organised, and there we had a buffet dinner at a viking themed restaurant.
- Touristic impressions: I have visited Uppsala before, and there was not much free time to explore the city itself. However, on the day between the conference in Stockholm and the start of the summer school in Uppsala I spent the afternoon on a trip with the steam train from Uppsala to Länna and back, passing very nice scenery on the way.
TUCS GP Student Muhammad Nazrul Islam's Travel Report from IADIS IHCI 2012
- Full name of the event: IADIS International Conference on Interface and Human Computer Interaction (IHCI 2012)
- Place and date: Lisbon, Portugal, July 21st–23rd 2012
- Type of event: Conference
- My article:
- Title of paper: Integrating Semiotics Perception in Usability Testing: A Light Weighted Experiment on an e-Health Application
- Authors: Muhammad Nazrul Islam, Franck Tétard, Pekka Reijonen and Kimmo Tarkkanen
- The scientific profile of the event: The IADIS Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction (IHCI) 2012 conference aims to address the main issues of concern within Interface Culture and Design with a particular emphasis on the affective aspects of design, development and implementation of interfaces and the generational implications for design of human and technology interaction. This conference aims to explore and discuss innovative studies of technology and its application in interfaces.
- Opinion on the best paper and its topic: In my opinion, one of the most interesting talks was given by a keynote speaker professor Yvonne Rogers on ‘Research in the Wild’. She discussed in her presentation what it means to research in the wild (a research turns in Human-Computer Interaction) – illustrating the new discoveries that can be achieved together with the tensions and challenges that arise when giving up control of being in the lab.
- Number of participants: Approximately 100 people
- Social events: A guided conference tour was held to visit a historical village of Obidos by bus followed by a traditional Portuguese dinner. The conference dinner was animated by traditional music and dance.
- Touristic impressions: Lisbon is a town of Historical districts, restaurants, fado houses, museums, monuments, beaches, and cultural hot spots. The conference was held during summer. The weather is great and people head to the beach. People go to the shops and cafes at the evenings and weekends to have a coffee with friends. In this city the late evening atmosphere is especially lovely as the sun descends. Lisbon has a mild climate to spend time sitting outside in cafes enjoying the spectacular views of the city, and there are plenty of opportunities for enjoying a swim on the Lisbon coasts.
TUCS GP Student Khalid Latif's Travel Report from COMPSAC 2012
- Full name of the event: 36th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC)
- Place and date: Izmir, Turkey, July 16th–20th 2012
- Type of event: Conference
- The scientific profile of the event: Topics of interest of this year’s COMPSAC included requirement analysis, co-analysis and co-design, modeling, design, development, testing, measurement, verification and validation for performance, safety, security, dependability, and usability constraints, and use of novel infrastructures including the cloud. In addition to the presentations of accepted research articles, there were keynotes, program features, research and industrial practice papers, and panels with a wide range of topics, focusing on the secure use of clouds to software engineering of critical infrastructure systems, such as, but not limited to, civil, telecommunications, and medical systems.
- Opinion on the best paper and its topic: The article with title, “The RDFa Content Editor - From WYSIWYG to WYSIWYM”, won the COMPSAC 2012 best paper award. The basic approach uses existing Semantic Web APIs to facilitate the automatic annotation and editing of RDFa content embedded in HTML.
- Number of participants: Around 280
- Social events: ICT Vision for Izmir Search Conference, Conference Banquet at the archaeological ruins of Old Smyrna called Agora, Bus Trip to Ephesus.
- Touristic impressions: The conference venue was Swissotel Grand Efes, Izmir, located in the heart of the Izmir's commercial hub. Though the schedule for me was quite full, but still there was a chance to have some nice walk along the seaside in evening times, while day time was extremely hot.
TUCS GP Student Adnan Ashraf's Travel Report from EIT ICT Labs Summer School on Cloud Computing 2012
- Full name of the event: EIT ICT Labs Summer School on Cloud Computing 2012
- Place and date: Espoo, Finland, June 3rd–8th 2012
- Type of event: Summer School
- The scientific profile of the event: The main topics of the summer school were cloud computing and its applications. The lecturers talked about several interesting topics that range from technical aspects of cloud and data centers to the development of innovative business ideas by taking advantage from the rapidly growing cloud infrastructures and services.
- The summer school topics were as follows: introduction to cloud computing, business model frameworks, green data centers and green computing, mobile social media, e-learning, open API based public sector applications, Agilefant, CSC – Finnish IT center for science’s data center and services, scalable cloud computing and big data, energy saving in cloud data centers using FIT4Green, auto scaling in IaaS clouds using OpenNebula and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, mobile cloud computing with ThinkAir, entrepreneurship, startups, innovation and open innovation, Google App Engine, Warrantify, cloud computing in the physical world, and building an ambitious company.
- Opinion on the best paper and its topic: The best presentation in my opinion was energy saving in the cloud data centers using FIT4Green by Corentin Dupont.
- Number of participants: 37
- Social events: Swimming, sauna and sausages at Otaniemi beach; Dinner at restaurant Saaga in Helsinki down town.
- Touristic impressions: The participants were happy about the topics and their quality. They also had a positive opinion about the group works that were carried out during the summer school. The venue was nice, but the weather was colder than the expectations.
Latest publications at TUCS
Edited proceedings:
- Jerker Björkqvist, Mikko-Jussi Laakso, Janne Roslöf, Raija Tuohi, Seppo Virtanen (Eds.), Abstract Book, Research Reports from Turku University of Applied Sciences 37, Turun ammattikorkeakoulu, 2012.
- Jerker Björkqvist, Mikko-Jussi Laakso, Janne Roslöf, Raija Tuohi, Seppo Virtanen (Eds.), Proceedings, Research reports from Turku University of Applied Sciences 38, Turun ammattikorkeakoulu, 2012.
- Sasu Tarkoma, Joni-Kristian Kämäräinen, Tapio Pahikkala (Eds.), The Federated Computer Science Event, Unigrafia Oy, 2012.
Articles in journals:
- Sepinoud Azimi, Tero Harju, Miika Langille, Ion Petre, Simple Gene Assembly as a Rewriting of Directed Overlap-Inclusion Graphs. Theoretical Computer Science 454, 30–37, 2012.
- Christer Carlsson, Matteo Brunelli, József Mezei, Decision Making with a Fuzzy Ontology. Soft Computing 16(7), 1143–1152, 2012.
- Elena Czeizler, Eugen Czeizler, Bogdan Iancu, Ion Petre, Quantitative Model Refinement as a Solution to the Combinatorial Size Explosion of Biomodels. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 284, 35–53, 2012.
- Elena Czeizler, Andrzej Mizera, Ion Petre, A Boolean Approach for Disentangling the Roles of Submodules to the Global Properties of a Biomodel. Fundamenta Informaticae 116(1-4), 51–63, 2012.
- Liang Guang, Ethiopia Nigussie, Juha Plosila, Hannu Tenhunen, Dual Monitoring Communication for Self-Aware Network-on-Chip: Architecture and Case Study. International Journal of Adaptive, Resilient and Autonomic Systems3(3), 73–92, 2012.
- Rajeev Kumar Kanth, Pasi Liljeberg, Yasar Amin, Qiang Chen, Lirong Zheng, Hannu Tenhunen, Comparative End-of-Life Study of Polymer and Paper Based Radio Frequency Devices. International Journal of Environmental Protection 2(8), 1–5, 2012.
- Rajeev Kumar Kanth, Pasi Liljeberg, Hannu Tenhunen, Qiang Chen, Lirong Zheng, Haris Kumar, Study on Glass Epoxy Based Low Cost and Compact Tip-Truncated Triangular Printed Antenna . International Journal of Antennas and Propagation 1, 1–8, 2012.
- Ville Leppänen, Jari-Matti Mäkelä, Security Monitors for Java Programs with MPL. International Journal on Information Technologies and Security 4(1), 35–50, 2012.
- Jongyun Moon, Arho Suominen, Aulis Tuominen, Forecasting a Change in Technology: Are Dye–Sensitised Solar Cells a Source of Ubiquitous Energy?. International Journal of Technology Policy and Management 12(2-3), 177–194, 2012.
- Shahrokh Nikou, Harry Bouwman, Mark de Reuver, The Potential of Converged Mobile Telecommunication Services: A Conjoint Analysis. info 14(5), 1–17, 2012.
- Amir-Mohammad Rahmani, Pasi Liljeberg, Juha Plosila, Hannu Tenhunen, Exploring a Low-Cost and Power-Efficient Hybridization Technique for 3D NoC-Bus Hybrid Architecture Using LastZ-Based Routing Algorithms. Journal of Low Power Electronics 8(4), 403–414, 2012.
- Arto Salomaa, Mirror Images and Schemes for the Maximal Complexity of Nondeterminism. Fundamenta Informaticae116(1-4), 237–249, 2012.
Articles in proceedings:
- Antti Airola, Machine Learning and Performance Estimation Methods for Ranking Problems. In: Sasu Tarkoma, Joni-Kristian Kämäräinen, Tapio Pahikkala (Eds.), Proceedings of the Federated Computer Science Event 2012, 8–14, University of Helsinki, 2012.
- Adnan Ashraf, Benjamin Byholm, Joonas Lehtinen, Ivan Porres, Feedback Control Algorithms to Deploy and Scale Multiple Web Applications per Virtual Machine. In: Lisa O'Conner (Ed.), 38th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, 1–8, IEEE Computer Society, 2012.
- Fredrik Degerlund, Scheduling of Compute-Intensive Code Generated from Event-B Models: An Empirical Efficiency Study. In: Karl Göschka, Seif Haridi (Eds.), Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems (Proc. of DAIS 2012), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7272, 177–184, Springer, 2012.
- Liang Guang, Syed Jafri, Bo Yang, Juha Plosila, Hannu Tenhunen, Embedding Fault-Tolerance with Dual-Level Agents in Many-Core Systems. In: Said Hamidioui, Hans Manhaeve (Eds.), First MEDIAN Workshop (MEDIAN'12), 41–44, EU COST Action IC1103 Median, 2012.
- Antti Hakkala, Seppo Virtanen, University-industry collaboration in network security education for engineering students. In: Jerker Björkqvist, Mikko-Jussi Laakso, Janne Roslöf, Raija Tuohi, Seppo Virtanen (Eds.), Proceedings of International conference on engineering education 2012, Research reports from Turku University of Applied Sciences 38, 204–210, Turun ammattikorkeakoulu, 2012.
- Jeanette Heidenberg, Max Weijola, Kirsi Mikkonen, Ivan Porres, A Model for Business Value in Large-Scale Agile and Lean Software Development. In: Dietmar Winkler, Rory V. O´Connor, Messnarz Richard (Eds.), Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement, Communications in Computer and Information Science 301, 49–60, Springer, 2012.
- Sami Hyrynsalmi, Tuomas Mäkilä, Antero Järvi, Arho Suominen, Marko Seppänen, Timo Knuutila, App Store, Marketplace, Play! An Analysis of Multi-Homing in Mobile Software Ecosystems. In: Slinger Jansen, Jan Bosch, Carina Alves (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshops on Software Ecosystems, CEUR Workshop Proceedings 879, 59–72, CEUR-WS, 2012.
- Muhammad Nazrul Islam, Towards Designing Users’ Intuitive Web Interface. In: Barolli,Leonard, Xhafa,Fatos, Vitabile,Salvatore , Uehara,Minoru (Eds.), 6th International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS 2012), 513 – 518, IEEE Computer Society, 2012.
- Muhammad Nazrul Islam, Franck Tetard, Pekka Reijonen, Kimmo Tarkkanen, Integrating Semiotics Perception in Usability Testing: A Light Weighted Experiment on an E-Health Application . In: Katherine Blashki (Ed.), IADIS International Conference on Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2012 (IHCI 2012), 141–148, IADIS Press, 2012.
- Rajeev Kumar Kanth, Harish Kumar, Pasi Liljeberg, Qiang Chen, Lirong Zheng, Hannu Tenhunen, Exploring Course Development for Green ICT in Engineering Education: A Preliminary Study. In: Mathew Arackal (Ed.), International conference on Engineering Education: Innovative Practices and Future Trends (AICERA 2012), 1–5, IEEE Explore, 2012.
- Rajeev Kumar Kanth, Pasi Liljeberg, Hannu Tenhunen, Harish Kumar, Yasar Amin, Qiang Chen, Lirong Zheng,Quantifying the Environmental Footprint of Rigid Substrate Printed Antenna. In: Michael Arnold (Ed.), IEEE International conference on Technology and Society in Aisa 2012, 1–5, IEEExplore, 2012.
- Sébastien Lafond, Cecilia Brunel, Double Master Degree Programme:. In: Jerker Bjärkqvist, Mikko-Jussi Laakso, Janne Roslöf, Raija Tuohi, Seppo Virtanen (Eds.), International Conference on Engineering Education 2012 - Proceedings, Research reports, 570–576, Turun Ammattikorkeakoulu, 2012.
- Khalid Latif, Amir-Mohammad Rahmani, Tiberiu Seceleanu, Pasi Liljeberg, Hannu Tenhunen, A Cluster-Based Core Protection Technique for Networks-on-Chip. In: Xiaoying Bai, Fevzi Belli, Elisa Bertino, Carl K. Chang, Atilla Elçi, Cristina Seceleanu, Haihua Xie, Mohammad Zulkernine (Eds.), 36th Annual IEEE Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), 360–361, IEEE Computer Society, 2012.
- Shahrokh Nikou, Harry Bouwman, Mark De Reuver, Do Consumers Care About Mobile Service Platforms?. In:Proceedings 11th ICMB 2012, 205–216, TuDelft, 2012.
- Shahrokh Nikou, Jie Guo, Harry Bouwman, Mobile Social Network Services: Chinese Users’ Adoption Patterns. In:Proceedings 11th ICMB 2012, 217–228, TuDelft, 2012.
- Inna Pereverzeva, Elena Troubitsyna, Linas Laibinis, A Case Study in Formal Development of a Fault Tolerant Multi-Robotic System. In: Paris Avgeriou (Ed.), In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Software Engineering for Resilient Systems (SERENE 2012), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7527, 16–31, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.
- Inna Pereverzeva, Elena Troubitsyna, Linas Laibinis, Formal Goal-Oriented Development of Resilient MAS in Event-B. In: Mats Brorsson, Luís Miguel Pinho (Eds.), 17th International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies (Ada-Europe 2012) , Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7308, 147–161, Springer, Heidelberg, 2012.
- Inna Pereverzeva, Elena Troubitsyna, Linas Laibinis, Formal Goal-Oriented Development of Resilient MAS in Event-B . In: Mats Brorsson, Luis Miguel Pinho (Eds.), Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7308, 147–161, Springer, 2012.
- Amir-Mohammad Rahmani, Kameswar Rao Vaddina, Khalid Latif, Pasi Liljeberg, Juha Plosila, Hannu Tenhunen, Generic Monitoring and Management Infrastructure for 3D NoC-Bus Hybrid Architectures. In: Jens Sparsø, Jan Madsen (Eds.),IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip (NOCS'12), 177–184, IEEE/ACM, 2012.
- Irum Rauf, Ali Hanzala Khan, Ivan Porres, Analyzing Consistency of Behavioral REST Web Service Interfaces. In: Josep Silva, Francesco Tiezzi (Eds.), The 8th International Workshop on Automated Specification and Verification of Web Systems, 1–15, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS). , 2012.
- Sampsa Rauti, Ville Leppänen, Man-in-the-browser -hyökkäyksistä Ajax-sovelluksissa. In: Sasu Tarkoma, Joni-Kristian Kämäräinen, Tapio Pahikkala (Eds.), Proceedings of Federated Computer Science Event 2012, 58–59, University of Helsinki, 2012.
- Petri Sainio, Seppo Virtanen, Structured Learning Journal Based Method for Lecture Courses in Engineering Education. In: Jerker Björkqvist, Mikko-Jussi Laakso, Janne Roslöf, Raija Tuohi, Seppo Virtanen (Eds.), Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering Education 2012, Research reports from Turku University of Applied Sciences 38, 939–944, Turun ammattikorkeakoulu, 2012.
- Peter Sarlin, On Biologically Inspired Predictions of the Global Financial Crisis. In: Klaus G. Troitzsch, Michael Möhring, Ulf Lotzmann (Eds.), Proceedings of the 26th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation, 253–259, European Council for Modelling and Simulation, 2012.
- Thomas Canhao Xu, Pasi Liljeberg, Juha Plosila, Hannu Tenhunen, Exploration of Heuristic Scheduling Algorithms for 3D Multicore Processors. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems, 22–31, ACM, 2012.
- Zhiyuan Yao, Peter Sarlin, Tomas Eklund, Barbro Back, Combining Visual Customer Segmentation and Response Modelling. In: ECIS 2012 Proceedings, 1–10, AIS Electronic Library (AISeL), 2012.
Chapters in edited books:
- Andrzej Mizera, Elena Czeizler, Ion Petre, Computational methods for quantitative submodel comparison. In: Evgeny Katz (Ed.), Biomolecular Information Processing. From Logic Systems to Smart Sensors and Actuators, 323–346, Wiley-VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, 2012.
- Janne Roslöf, Jerker Björkqvist, Seppo Virtanen, Supporting student innovation through project-based learning and industry co-operation. In: Win Aung, Vojislav Ilic, Olli Mertanen, Jerzy Moscinski, James Uhomoibhi (Eds.), Innovations 2012: World Innovations in Engineering Education and Research, iNEER Innovations 2012, 207–215, iNEER (International Network For Engineering Education and Research), 2012.
Technical reports:
- Vladimir Emelichev, Vladimir Korotkov, Yury Nikulin, On a Multicriteria Investment Problem with Wald's Maximin Criteria – Stability Analysis of Pareto-Optimal Portfolio in the Hölder Metric. TUCS Technical Reports 1050, TUCS, 2012.
- Ville-Pekka Eronen, Marko M. Mäkelä, Tapio Westerlund, Nonsmooth Extended Cutting Plane Method for Generally Convex MINLP Problems. TUCS Technical Reports 1055, TUCS, 2012.
- Peter Sarlin, On Policymakers' Loss Functions and the Evaluation of Early Warning Systems. TUCS Technical Reports 1054, TUCS, 2012.