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TUCS Newsletter 31.10.2014
Content of the newsletter
- TUCS 20 years anniversary
- TUCS Research Programme activities
- TUCS Short Course: Challenges of Secure Computation and Communication on Energy-Constrained Devices
- TUCS GP PhD defences
- Call for papers: special issue of Theoretical Computer Science on CS2Bio
- Call for papers: 23rd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2015)
- A Course on Ultra-low-power Electronics
- DAAD – German Academic Exchange Service – Research Grants for foreign PhD
- SLUSH start-up conference
- Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship: Europe, Middle East and Africa
- Europe Scholarship for Students with Disabilities
- TUCS GP travel reports
- Open jobs at University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University
TUCS activities
TUCS 20 years anniversary
Turku Centre for Computer Science (TUCS) celebrates its 20 years anniversary this year. TUCS was founded in 1994 on the basis of excellence in fundamental research in computer science and discrete mathematics as represented by its founders: Ralph-Johan Back, Timo Järvi, Tapio Reponen, and Arto Salomaa.
The anniversary was celebrated on Friday 24 October 2014. The festivities were started off with a Distinguished Lecture by Turing Award winner professor Joseph Sifakis on the subject "From Programs to Systems – Building a Smarter World". The lecture was held in lecture hall Beta in the ICT building and attracted a full lecture room. The interesting lecture was followed by a poster session about the research in TUCS. Nearly all TUCS research units had prepared a poster for the session and the 150 person crowd had the chance to read up on research done at the TUCS units as well as acquaint themselves with the TUCS history in general.
In the evening a cocktail party and dinner were held at Radisson Blu Marina Palace Hotel for invited guests.Over a hundred guests were present at the event. The cocktail party was opened by an address from the TUCS director, professor Johan Lilius followed by recollections from the founding members of TUCS; professors Ralph-Johan Back, Timo Järvi and Arto Salomaa. The rector of University of Turku, Kalervo Väänänen and the chancellor of the Åbo Akademi University, Jarl-Thure Eriksson, presented short greetings from the universities and Rikumatti Levomäki from Turku Science Park presented the city of Turku’s greetings. Juhani Karhumäki as a long standing TUCS Board member and Head of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Turku also gave a short speech. The more formal part of the evening was finished off with a greeting by Olli Mertanen from Turun Ammattikorkeakoulu. The cocktail event was followed by a three course dinner with short speeches by the Chairman of the TUCS Board, Tapio Salakoski, and a TUCS Graduate School Alumnus, Tiberiu Seceleanu.
News items in the media about the TUCS 20 years anniversary:
TUCS Research Programme activities
- COM3 guest lecture: On Tuesday 21.10. Prof. Matthew Macauley (Clemson University, USA) gave a guest lecture in room Pub 4, starting at 3:15pm.
TITLE: Cyclic reducibility and conjugacy in Coxeter groups
ABSTRACT: Loosely speaking, a Coxeter group is a generalized reflection group. Reduced words give rise to natural labeled posets called heaps. Conjugating a word by an initial or terminal generator cyclically shifts it, which puts an equivalence on the underlying posets, generated by converting minimal into maximal elements. We call the resulting equivalence classes "toric posets," and they correspond to regions of graphic toric hyperplane arrangements, just as ordinary partial orders correspond to regions of graphic hyperplane arrangements. There are natural toric analogues of many standard features of ordinary partial orders, such as chains, antichains, intervals, transitivity, Hasse diagrams, extensions, total orders, morphisms, and order ideals. This leads to a notion of a toric heap, which is a labeled toric poset. Classic problems on reducibility in Coxeter groups turn into new problems on cyclic reducibility and conjugacy. This talk should be accessible to anyone who knows wh
COM3 guest lecture: On Wednesday 8.10. Prof. Peter Gacs (Boston University, USA) gave a guest lecture titled "Clairvoyant embedding in one dimension". The talk will be given in room Pub 4, starting at 2:15pm.
Clairvoyant embedding in one dimension
Let v, w be infinite 0-1 sequences, and m a positive integer. We say that w is m-embeddable in v, if there exists an increasing sequence n_{i} of integers with n_{0}=0, such that 0< n_{i} - n_{i-1} < m, w(i) = v(n_i) for all i > 0. Let X and Y be independent coin-tossing sequences. We will show that there is an m with the property that Y is m-embeddable into X with positive probability. This
answers a question that was open for a while. The proof generalizes somewhat the multi-scale method of an earlier paper of the author on dependent percolation. -
COM3 guest lecture: On Thursday 30.10. Dr. Silvio Capobianco (Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia) will give a guest lecture in room Pub 209, starting at 12:15pm.
TITLE: A short introduction to coinduction
ABSTRACT: The induction principle from the Peano axiomatization of natural numbers can be expressed in the language of category theory by stating that a certain algebra for a certain functor F (i.e., a certain morphism u : X -> FX) has a unique "algebra-preserving" morphism to every other F-algebra. Following this idea, induction principles for more generic functors can be defined, and some functorial equations can be solved by an iterative, bottom-up approach.
On the other hand, while objects constructed by induction are always determined, real life situations also include cases where such determinism cannot be enforced: this is the case of phenomena that can only be observed through their interaction with the environment, but little or no information about their internal structure is available. In such circumstances, rather than equality of systems, it is of interest whether their outputs describe the same phenomenon: which is called bisimilarity.
Taking a top-down approach, coinduction aims at providing a general framework for dealing with the kind of problems discussed above. This talk proposes to introduce it by first making a parallel with induction (of which coinduction is the dual concept) then highlighting its relevant features. - BioHealth guest lecture: Mathematician James Grime (University of Cambridge) gave talks on Monday 29th of October.The first lecture was at noon at and the second at 5 pm. Both lectures were held at Arken Auditorium Armfelt (ÅA, Arken Tehtaankatu 2). First lecture was aimed for University students and latter for secondary school students, but suitable for anyone interested of this Alan Turing. Below how James Grime describes the two lectures:
1st lecture: “Alan Turing was one of our great 20th century mathematicians, and pioneer of computer science. However, he may be best remembered as one of the leading code breakers of Bletchley Park during World War II. It was Turing's brilliant insights and mathematical mind helped break Enigma, the apparently unbreakable code used by the German military. We present a history of both Alan Turing and the Enigma, leading up to this fascinating battle of man against machine.”
2nd lecture: “For as long as we have had secrets we have had secret messages. We present a look at the fascinating history and mathematics of codes and code breaking - from ancient Greece to the present day, including the famous Enigma Machine used in World War II.”
More information on James Grime can be found from his homepage
James Grime is visit in Finland is a collaboration of LUMA-Suomi and Federation of Finnish-British Societies. Lectures in Turku are organized by Lounais-Suomen LUMA-keskus and Resurscenter för matematik, natusvetenskap och teknik I skolan.
RITES invited talk: During the Embedded Systems Lab Seminar on Thursday 30th October in room Catbert B3028 at 14:00 - 15:00 Dr. Paolo Masci from Queen Mary University of London will give a talk on: Verification of medical user interface software using formal methods technologies.
Abstract. An increasing number of medical devices have been recalled for instance, a study conducted by software engineers at the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) highlighted that software-related recalls had approximately doubled in just over five years: 14% in 2005 to nearly 25% in 2011. While it is usual to attribute software failures to coding errors, the largest class of problems is in fact due to incomplete or erroneous system requirements and specification. Examples of common design issues include: software not designed to support clinical workflows; incorrect configuration data; incorrect dose calculation algorithms; inadequate error detection and recovery algorithms. In this talk, we illustrate our work carried out in collaboration with the FDA for the analysis of user interface software using formal methods technologies. A concrete example is presented that involved the analysis of user software source code from a marketed device. The source code is formally analysed within the Prototype Verification System (PVS), a state-of-the-art formal methods technology developed at SRI International. First, the source code of the device is transformed into an executable PVS model. Then, the PVS model is verified against relevant safety and usability requirements using the PVS theorem prover. During the analysis, realistic
prototypes of the device are automatically generated using the PVSio-web prototyping environment with the aim to assess the relevance of identified design issues/flaws. Finally, test cases that can
challenge the software executed on the real device are generated for critical issues, with the aim to validate the presence of identified problems in the real device.
Biography. Paolo Masci is a postdoctoral research assistant at Queen Mary University of London (United Kingdom). He is an expert user of verification tools such as SRI's state-of-the-art theorem proving system PVS. His research interests include: medical cyber-physical systems, user interface verification, software verification, and automated reasoning. Since 2010, he is working within chi+med (, a UK research project that aims to make medical devices safer. While based in the UK, Paolo has entered into a variety of international collaborations for the analysis of medical device software, including joint work with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and University of Pennsylvania (UPenn). - TISRA seminar series:
Time: 24.9.2014 10:00-12:00
Place: Pharmacity (third floor, meeting room).
Speakers: 10:00 -11:30 Prof. Tobias Mettler University of St. Gallen: Early Reflections on Design Experiments, 11:30 – 12:00 PhD candidate Xiaoyu Xu: Thesis presentation -
Time: 16.10.2014 14.15-16.00.
Place: Delft meeting room in ICT building
Speakers: Professor Simone di Barbosa (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil): Research in semiotics. Dr Fatemeh Nikayin (TU Delft): Collaboration for Common Digital Platforms
TUCS Short Course: Challenges of Secure Computation and Communication on Energy-Constrained Devices
Lecturer: Prof. Joerg Keller, FernUniversitaet in Hagen, Germany
Tue 14.10.2014, 9-16 in Algol (B3039)
Wed 15.10.2014, 9-16 in Algol (B3039)
Energy-constrained devices such as sensor nodes have conflicting targets: increasing mission time by reducing power consumption, increasing security of operation by adequate encryption and authentication techniques. On the one hand, reducing the number of instructions per cryptographic operation or reducing processor speed decreases power consumption. On the other hand decreasing key length increases vulnerability, and increasing the time to perform a protocol increases energy consumption due to longer
activation of the radio receiver.
Most students are either familiar with the security aspects or with the hardware and energy-efficiency aspects of such scenarios, but not with both. Hence, the goal of the course is to provide the necessary level of familiarity with both aspects, and use the example scenario to demonstrate the challenges and solution approaches for these kinds of multi-criteria optimization problems.
The first part of the course will summarize facts from security/encryption, computer hardware and power consumption, and optimization, each field is treated with consideration of the other two fields (3 lectures). The second part of the course will focus on two problem fields from the example scenario: (1) determine the required key length given a certain attacker strength (more security related) (2 lectures), (2) how to choose speed when performing a cryptographic protocol such as authentic code update to minimize total energy consumption (2 lectures). The final part will give an outlook where similar problems appear in theory and practice (1 lecture).
Students should have their own laptop to perform the lab. exercises.
Addressed student groups:
Doctoral students or master students with a background and interest in hardware, security and energy efficiency.
basic knowledge of security primitives
basic knowledge of computer organization
basic knowledge of combinatorial optimization
knowledge of C or Java programming for exercises
2 days
8 lectures (45 min each), 4 per day (morning)
2 lab exercises (2+hrs each), 1 per day (afternoon)
TUCS GP PhD defences
On Friday, October 17th, TUCS GP Student Muhammad Nazrul Islam presented his Doctoral thesis "Design and Evaluation of Web Interface Signs to Improve Web Usability: A Semiotic Framework" for public critisism. The opponent of M.Sc. Islam was Professor Simone D. J. Barbosa, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Docent Frank Tétard acted as a custos at this public defence.
On Thursday, October 9th, TUCS GP Student Adnan Ashraf presented his Doctoral thesis "Cost-Efficient Virtual Machine Management: Provisioning, Admission Control, and Consolidation" for public critisism. The opponent of M.Sc. Ashraf was Dr. Radu Calinescu, University of York, UK. Professor Ivan Porres acted as a custos at this public defence.
Time: 11:00 a.m. Place: Auditorium Alpha, ICT Building
On Tuesday, September 30th, TUCS GP Student Hongyan Liu presented her Doctoral thesis "On Advancing Business Intelligence in the Electricity Retail Market" for public critisism. The opponent of M.Sc. Liu was Akademischer Oberrat Dr. Henning Baars, Stuttgart University, Germany. Professor Barbro Back acted as a custos at this public defence.
Time: 12 noon
Place: Auditorium Gamma, ICT Building
New courses
New INFORTE courses
Qualitative Research Methods in Information Systems
October 13th – 14th
Professor Michael D. Myers (University of Auckland Business School, New Zealand)
Professor Tuure Tuunanen (University of Jyväskylä)
Registration: August 1st – October 1st
Registration and more information:
Digital Activism
November 28th
Assistant professor Lisen Selander (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Professor Sirkka Järvenpää (McCombs School of Business, University of Texas Austin / Aalto University School of Science)
Professor Matti Rossi (Aalto University School of Business)
Registration closing date: November 14th
Registration and more information:
Software Release Planning
December 15th – 17th
Professor Guenther Ruhe (University of Calgary, Canada)
Professor Burak Turhan, University of Oulu, Finland
Registration closing date: December 1st
Registration and more information:
Please, see all detailed programs in
Courses on transferable skills at University of Turku
Call for papers: special issue of Theoretical Computer Science on CS2Bio
We invite submissions of papers on the theory and practice of formal methods in biology for publication in a special issue of the Journal of Theoretical Computer Science (TCS),
Section C (Theory of Natural Computing).
We especially welcome extended versions of papers presented at the CS2Bio 2014 Workshop in Berlin, affiliated with DisCoTec 2014 (; it is expected that such submissions incorporate the changes suggested in the reviews of your original conference submission; moreover, such submissions are expected to have additional material (proofs omitted in the conference proceedings version, new results, etc.) that did not appear in the conference paper.
We also invite submissions of papers not presented at CS2Bio 2014, provided they fall within the scope of the call.
This special issue is devoted to original research papers on the theory and applications of formal methods in biology. Of special interest are contributions on the computational modelling of a specific biological phenomenon, and on developments in modelling, simulation, testing or verification approaches in computer science that lead to novel and promising applications in biology and biomedicine. While the main focus is on computational processes in living cells, we also encourage submissions concerning the modeling and analysis of processes and systems in synthetic biology.
Topics of Interest
In particular, the topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Modeling, analysis and simulation tools for biology
- Quantitative and qualitative modeling frameworks
- Spatial languages and calculi
- Model checking, abstract interpretation, type systems
- Prediction of biological behavior from incomplete information
- Complex networks and biomolecular dynamics
- Emergence of properties in complex biological and medical systems
- Tools for parallel, distributed, and multi-resolution simulation methods
Submission Format and Guideline
Papers should have no more than about 20 pages and should be formatted according to Elsevier's elsarticle.cls document style used for articles in the journal of Theoretical Computer Science. A detailed submission guideline is available as “Guide to Authors” at:
All manuscripts and any supplementary material should be submitted through Elsevier Editorial System (EES). The authors must select as “SI:CS2Bio” when they reach the “Article Type” step in the submission process. The EES submission website is located at:
All papers will be peer-reviewed by three independent reviewers. Requests for additional information should be addressed to the guest editors.
Call for papers: 23rd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2015)
Track: Sustainably Digital
May 26-29, 2015, Münster, Germany (
Paper Submission System open: October 6th, 2014 (Monday next week!)
Paper Submission deadline (and yes, it's a HARD deadline): November 28th, 2014
Chadi Aoun, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Helena Karsten, Åbo Akademi University, Finland, [email protected] (Corresponding track chair)
Stefan Seidel, University of Liechtenstein, Principality of Liechtenstein
Helen Hasan, University of Wollongong, Australia
The networked digital society has promise for a sustainable society, and this poses both challenges and opportunities. Sustainability is a multidimensional concept encompassing environmental, economic, human and social aspects, all of which could be strongly influenced by information systems (Elliot 2011; Melville 2010). Information systems carry significant potential for supporting sustainable development, that is: “development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (Our Common Future –report, UN, 1987). We can look at sustainability from different perspectives (Elkington 1997; Kasvio 2012; Urry 2011):
- Environmental sustainability: In the future, there will not be enough natural resources to allow for a continuous expansion of the existing forms of work. This calls for a shift towards more environmentally responsible organizational and societal work processes.
- Economic sustainability: Responsible economical endeavors are competitive enough to be expected to continue in future. The productivity level allows those who participate in these economic activities to expect to earn decent incomes.
- Human sustainability: People must be given the possibility to maintain their health and to enjoy their work so that they can – and want – to continue working until the normal retirement age.
- Social sustainability: The sacrifices and rewards are distributed on a just manner. The working possibilities of one group of people are not realized at the cost of another group. If injustices exist they will probably lead to social tensions which sooner or later threaten the continuity of existing arrangements.
In terms of environmental sustainability, information systems can, for instance, help individuals, groups, and firms choose sustainable alternatives that reduce waste and use of energy. Economic sustainability has always been at the core of management information systems, transaction processing, and data management. Human sustainability concerns personal health and well-being, where individuals can be supported by sensor networks, personal information systems, and data management, amongst others. Social sustainability can be supported not only buy social software but also by governments, cities, companies and people, all together.
The aim of this track is to advance the discussion on the role and relevance of information systems in the context of sustainability. It intends to provide thought leaders with a forum that accounts for the breadth of sustainability research in the information systems discipline in terms of environmental, economic, human, and social sustainability. Potential topics range from the design of systems and digital services for sustainability to the application of existing theories on change at the individual, group, organizational, and societal levels, as well as the development of new theory.
Conceptual papers are very welcome. We also invite rigorous and relevant empirical studies employing a wide variety of methods. In order to fully incorporate societal, technical and business aspects, we welcome contributions from a broad spectrum of disciplines.
Types of Contributions
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to
Sustainable digital life
- Information Systems for lower carbon emissions
- Sustainable everyday life practices with help of information systems
- Recycling of electronic devices
- Information systems for the encouragement of green choices by consumers
- Sustainable consuming with direct access to product information
- Consumer and practitioner awareness and response to green computing
- Smart cities
- The role of information systems in energy policy
Sustainable business practices and processes
- Motivations for greening within organizations
- Organizational adoption of sustainable business practices
- Information systems for raising environmental awareness
- Green awareness and communication for formulating organizational strategy
- Analysis and design of business processes in the light of sustainability considerations
- Design of sustainable value chains
- Reverse logistics
- Use of information systems to design and implement more sustainable business processes
Sustainable outsourcing
- How do social and environmental responsibilities affect global information systems outsourcing?
- How sustainability considerations are factored into the information systems outsourcing relationship?
- Are there “win-win” benefits of sustainability in an information systems outsourcing relationship?
- How should information systems outsource providers develop sustainability within their organizations?
- What should information systems outsource buyers evaluate regarding sustainability in a provider?
- What is the role of emerging global sustainability standards such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) or the ISO 26000 Guidance for Social Responsibility, and what is the role of emerging government regulations and guidelines?
We are primarily searching for full research papers. However, to foster the timely dissemination of innovative ideas, we also welcome groundbreaking research in progress.
This track is supported by the Special Interest Group for Green Information Systems (SIGGreen) of the Association for Information Systems.
The Information Society will invite the best papers to be published in a Special Issue.
Pamela Abbott, Brunel University
Ron Babin, Ryerson University
Sarah Beecham, University of Limerick and Lero
Nicholas Berente, University of Georgia
Aileen Cater-Steel, University of Southern Queensland
Vanessa Cooper, RMIT University
Brian Donnellan, National University of Ireland Maynooth
Gilbert Fridgen, University of Bayreuth
Johann Kranz, University of Goettingen
Alemayehu Molla, RMIT University
Prasong Praneetpolgrang, Sripatum University
Stephen Smith, Macquarie University
Matti Vartiainen, Aalto University
Savanid Vatanasakdakul, Macquarie University
Richard T Watson, University of Georgia
A Course on Ultra-low-power Electronics
Title: Special Topics in Embedded Electronics
Course Code: ETT_3074, Total ECTS: 5
Part-1: Advanced Architectures: July 7-14, 2014 (Done Already)
Part2: Ultra Low Power Electronics: In August, November 12-14, 2014 (2 ECTS)
Part-2: Ultra Low Power Electronics: Nov 12-14 (10hours)
- Lauri Koskinen, Technology Research Centre, University of Turku, Finland
- Rajeev Kanth, Department of Information Technology, University of Turku Finland
- Zhuo Zou, iPack Vinn Excellence Centre, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Place: First Floor, ICT Talo, Joukahaisenkatu 3-5 B, 20520, Turku Finland
Wednesday 12th November, Time: 10:00-14:00, Lauri Koskinen (4 hours), @Beta Auditorium
Topic: Survey of Low Voltage Implementation and Minimizing Energy Consumption
-Technology Scaling
-Low Voltage Logic Designs
-History of Minimum voltage and Energy
-Survey of sub-threshold CMOS Circuits
-Energy Performance Contours
-Modeling Minimum energy consumption
Thursday 13th of November, Time: 10:00-12:00, Rajeev Kanth (2 hours)@Alpha Auditorium
Topic: Low Power Design Essentials
-Nanometer Transistors and Their Models
-Power and Energy Basics
Friday 14th November, Time: 12:00-16:00, Zhuo Zou (4 hours) @Beta Auditorium
Topic: Ultra Low power wireless
-Low power short range radio
-energy harvesting,
-power management
Course Registration: Students can register this course by sending an email: [email protected] by 05.11.2014
DAAD – German Academic Exchange Service – Research Grants for foreign PhD
1. One-Year Grants, Application deadline: 19.12.2014
2. Short-Term Grants, Application deadline: 1.10.2014 / 1.04.2015
3. Cotutelle Doctoral Programmes, Application deadline: 19.12.2014
Information on application requirements and application procedure:
DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) offers Research Grants for foreign PhD Candidates:
1.Research Stays for University Academics and Scientists
2.Re-invitation Programme for Former Scholarship Holders
Application deadline: October 1st for the scholarship period January 1st to June 30th of the following year. / April 1st for the scholarship period July 1st of the same year to January 31st of the following year.
Information on application requirements and application procedure:
Information and advisory centres: DAAD-Lecturers in Finland
Dina Heegen
Dr. Anta Kursisa
Anne Stegemann
SLUSH start-up conference
The Northern Europe's biggest start-up event SLUSH will gather more than 10000 visitors and 2500 companies to Helsinki, Finland on 18-19 November. EIT ICT Labs will be bringing around 20 health start-ups from all over Europe to demonstrate, pitch and meet potential investors. We are also supporting start-ups from other EU countries where EIT ICT Labs is not present with reduced ticket prices.
You can meet these innovative companies and our business developers on the latter day, 19th of November at the Health Track area. Mark your calendar and join us at this fantastic event full of passion and innovation!
More information of SLUSH from here:
Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship: Europe, Middle East and Africa
Scholarship for female Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD students studying Computer Science or a closely related technical field. Recipients will receive a 7000 EUR Scholarship and have the opportunity to attend a networking retreat in summer 2015
Deadline for applications: February, 2015
More information:
Europe Scholarship for Students with Disabilities
Scholarship for Bachelor’s, Master’s or PhD students with a disability studying Computer Science or a closely related technical field. Recipients will receive a 7000 EUR Scholarship.
Deadline for applications: February 17, 2015
More information:
TUCS GP travel reports
TUCS GP travel report: Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems by Tingting Lin
Full name of the event: Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems
Place and date: Italy, Verona, September 3rd – 5th, 2014
Type of event: Conference
My article:
- Title: The Role of Digital Platforms in Inter-Firm Collaboration
- Authors: Luca Cremona, Tingting Lin, Aurelio Ravarini
The scientific profile of the event: The conference theme is “IS in times of metamorphosis”, exploring challenges and opportunities in an ever-changing digitalized world. A wide range of research areas are covered, including digital innovation and design, enterprise engineering, corporate social responsibility, social media analytics, and many more. Although this conference is “Mediterranean”, participants are from many different countries in Europe. I met many Swedish and Danish researchers there, for example
Opinion on the best paper and its topic: It is the key-note by professor Carlo Pelanda, on “The challenges of the governance of info-genesis”, in which he talked about many problems on the understanding of new technology hindering the progress of our society.
Number of participants: Around 100
Social events: Welcome party: with drinks and light cocktail food in Casa Mazzanti Caffè; Social dinner: in Aquila Nera Caffè, with light food only
Touristic impressions: The conference was held in the premise of University of Verona. I didn’t have much time to walk around the city, just a walk on the leaving day from the hotel to the bus station. It looks like a typical Roman city, with lots of old buildings and a river. Food is nice, except the conference offered lunch and dinner.
TUCS GP travel report: Asia conference of Information Systems by Petter Sandvik
Full name of the event: IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM 2014)
Place and date: Australia, Sydney, June 16th – 19th, 2014
Type of event: Conference
My article:
- Title: SPECTA: A Formal Specification Language for Content Transfer Algorithms
- Authors: Petteri Sandvik
The scientific profile of the event: The 15th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks took place on June 16-19 in central Sydney. The focus was on academic but practical research into computer networks, covering a wide variety of subjects: from nanoscale sensor networks and vehicular networking to video streaming and peer-to-peer networking. The first day consisted of three workshops in parallel in the morning, with a further three in parallel in the afternoon. During the three following days, i.e., the actual conference, there were two sessions in parallel except for during the two keynotes, PhD forum, best paper session, and work-in-progress poster session.
Opinion on the best paper and its topic: For me, the best presentation was the one that also was given the "best paper"-award: 'Practical Interference Alignment in the Frequency Domain for OFDM-based Wireless Access Networks', by Adrian Loch et al. There were others where the subject matter was more interesting to me, but they were not as nicely presented.
Number of participants: approximately 100 including the workshops
Social events: Apart from lunches all days there was a reception at The Theatre Bar at the End of the Wharf (overlooking Sydney Harbour) on the 17th, and on the 18th there was a dinner at The Malaya (a restaurant in Darling Harbour in Sydney).
Touristic impressions: I arrived in Sydney the day before the conference, and did not have much time to see the city then or during the conference, but fortunately I had decided to stay a full two weeks in Australia. After the conference ended I first went with a few other people from the conference on a ferry trip to Manly Beach north of Sydney, which was very nice. I then spent a few days in Blue Mountains west of Sydney, which I very much enjoyed, although since it was winter in Australia the nature did not seem as spectacular as it could have been. I then went back to Sydney and had time to visit Bondi Beach, Featherdale Wildlife Park, Cronulla Beach, Sydney Botanical Garden, and other sights. Apart from the long travel time to and from Australia I very much enjoyed my visit.
TUCS GP travel report: Asia Conference of Information Systems by Abayomi Baiyere
Full name of the event: Pacific Asia Conference of Information Systems 2013 Conference
Place and date: China, December 2nd – 3rd, 2013
Type of event: Conference
My article:
- Title: Unified View of IS Capability.
- Authors: Abayomi Baiyere and Hannu Salmela
- Title: Reviving a failed IS Project. (Teaching Case)
- Authors: Abayomi Baiyere and Hongxiu Li
The scientific profile of the event: The Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems is an international IS conference a representative of the Association of Information Systems AIS in the pacific Asia region. The conference aims to enable and encourage international and regional practitioners and researchers from both the industry and academia to have a scientific rendezvous and have a platform for knowledge and information exchange.
Opinion on the best paper and its topic: Felix Tan et al. paper was one of the 3 selected papers and one that I found relevant to my research.
Number of participants: About 800
Social events: A visit to the Panda is one of the highlights of the city. Additionally, the conference organized a Chinese opera event for participants which was very well appreciated.
Touristic impressions: The attractions in the city is worth visiting again.
Open jobs at University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University
- University of Turku:
- Åbo Akademi University:
Latest publications at TUCS
Edited books (1):
- Seppo Virtanen (Ed.), Advancing Embedded Systems and Real-Time Communications with Emerging Technologies , IGI Global, 2014.
Articles in journals (15):
- Tea Ammunét, Tero Klemola, Kalle Parvinen, Consequences of Asymmetric Competition Between Resident and Invasive Defoliators: A Novel Empirically Based Modelling Approach. Theoretical Population Biology 92, 107–117, 2014.
- Pontus Boström, Fredrik Degerlund, Kaisa Sere, Marina Waldén, Derivation of Concurrent Programs by Stepwise Scheduling of Event-B Models. Formal Aspects of Computing 26(2), 281–303, 2014.
- Natalia Díaz Rodríguez, Olmo León Cadahía, Manuel P. Cuéllar, Johan Lilius, Miguel Delgado-Calvo-Flores,Handling Real-World Context-Awareness, Uncertainty and Vagueness in Real-Time Human Activity Tracking and Recognition with a Fuzzy Ontology-Based Hybrid Method. Sensors 14(10), 18131–18171, 2014.
- David Eränen, Juha Oksanen, Jan Westerholm, Tapani Sarjakoski, A Full Graphics Processing Unit Implementation of Uncertainty-Aware Drainage Basin Delineation. Computers and Geosciences 73, 48 – 60, 2014.
- Diana-Elena Gratie, Ion Petre, Hiding the combinatorial state space explosion of biomodels through colored Petri nets. Annals of University of Bucharest LXI, 23–41, 2014.
- Kalle Parvinen, Metapopulation Dynamics and the Evolution of Sperm Parasitism. Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 9, 124–137, 2014.
- Kalle Parvinen, Ulf Dieckmann, Self-Extinction Through Optimizing Selection. Journal of Theoretical Biology 333, 1–9, 2014.
- Sampsa Rauti, Ville Leppänen, A Proxy-Like Obfuscator for Web Application Protection. International Journal on Information Technologies and Security 6(1), 39–52, 2014.
- M. Mohsin Saleemi, Natalia Díaz Rodríguez, Johan Lilius, Exploiting Smart Spaces for Interactive TV Applications Development. Journal of Supercomputing , 1–18, 2014.
- Jouni Smed, Interactive Storytelling: Approaches, Applications, and Aspirations. International Journal of Virtual Communities and Social Networking 6(1), 22–34, 2014.
- Anton Tarasyuk, Elena Troubitsyna, Linas Laibinis, Integrating Stochastic Reasoning Into Event-B Development.Formal Aspects of Computing , 1–25, 2014.
- Tuomas Nurmi, Kalle Parvinen, Evolution of Specialization Under Non-Equilibrium Population Dynamics. Journal of Theoretical Biology 321, 63–77, 2013.
- Kalle Parvinen, Joint Evolution of Altruistic Cooperation and Dispersal in a Metapopulation of Small Local Populations. Theoretical Population Biology 85, 12–19, 2013.
- Kalle Parvinen, Mikko Heino, Ulf Dieckmann, Function-Valued Adaptive Dynamics and Optimal Control Theory.Journal of Mathematical Biology 67, 509–533, 2013.
- Anders H. Sirén, Juan-Camilo Cardenas, Peter Hambäck, Kalle Parvinen, Distance Friction and the Cost of Hunting in Tropical Forest. Land Economics 89, 558–574, 2013.
Articles in proceedings (31):
- Hassan Anwar, Syed M. A. H. Jafri, Sergei Dytckov, Masoud Daneshtalab, Masoumeh Ebrahimi, Ahmed Hemani,Exploring Spiking Neural Network on Coarse-Grain Reconfigurable Architectures. In: Masoud Daneshtalab, Maurizio Palesi, Federico Angiolini (Eds.), International Workshop on Manycore Embedded Systems, 64–67, ACM, 2014.
- Natalia Díaz Rodríguez, M. P. Cuéllar, Johan Lilius, Miguel Delgado Calvo-Flores, Semantic and Fuzzy Modelling of Human Behaviour in Smart Spaces. A case study on Ambient Assisted Living and Remote Rehabilitation. In: R. Bailón-Moreno (Ed.), I Congreso Nacional Multidisciplinar de Jóvenes Investigadores, I CNMJI (The National Multidisciplinary Congress of Young Researchers). Granada (Spain)., 346–346,, 2014.
- Natalia Díaz Rodríguez, Robin Wikström, Stefan Grönroos, Frank Wickström, Petteri Karvinen, Anders Berg, Shohreh Hosseinzadeh, Johan Lilius, Manuel P. Cuéllar, Miguel Delgado Calvo-Flores, Marion Karppi,Monitorizado remoto de ejercicios de rehabilitación en tiempo real con sensores de profundidad 3D y tecnologías semánticas. . In: R. Bailón-Moreno (Ed.), I CNMJI (The National Multidisciplinary Congress of Young Researchers). Granada (Spain)., 319–319,, 2014.
- Johannes Eriksson, Masoumeh Parsa, Ralph-Johan Back, Proofs and Refutations in Invariant-Based Programming. In: Elvira Albert, Emil Sekerinski (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Integrated Formal Methods (iFM2014), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 189–204, Springer, 2014.
- Mohammad Fattah, Maurizio Palesi, Pasi Liljeberg, Juha Plosila, Hannu Tenhunen, SHiFA: System-Level Hierarchy in Run-Time Fault-Aware Management of Many-Core Systems. In: 51st ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), 1–6, ACM/IEEE, 2014.
- Mohammad-Hashem Haghbayan, Bijan Alizadeh, Amir-Mohammad Rahmani, Pasi Liljeberg, Hannu Tenhunen,Automated Formal Approach for Debugging Dividers Using Dynamic Specification. In: Said Hamdioui, Marco Ottavi (Eds.), International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems, 263–268, IEEE, 2014.
- Mohammad-Hashem Haghbayan, Amir-Mohammad Rahmani, Pasi Liljeberg, Juha Plosila, Hannu Tenhunen,Energy-Efficient Concurrent Testing Approach for Many-Core Systems in the Dark Silicon Age. In: Said Hamdioui, Marco Ottavi (Eds.), International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems, 269–274, IEEE, 2014.
- Mohammad-Hashem Haghbayan, Amir-Mohammad Rahmani, Pasi Liljeberg, Juha Plosila, Hannu Tenhunen,Distributed BIST Approach for Power Constrained Many-Core Systems. In: Marco Ottavi, Giorgio Di Natale (Eds.), Joint MEDIAN–TRUDEVICE Open Forum Co-Located with IEEE 17th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits & Systems, 1–1, Median, 2014.
- Simon Holmbacka, Erwan Nogues, Maxime Pelcat, Sébastien Lafond, Johan Lilius, Energy Efficiency and Performance Management of Parallel Dataflow Applications. In: Ana Pinzari, Adam Morawiec (Eds.), The 2014 Conference on Design & Architectures for Signal & Image Processing, 1 – 8, ECDI Electronic Chips & Systems design initiative, 2014.
- Annika H. Holmbom, Tomas Eklund, Barbro Back, A Weak‐Form Expert Evaluation of Customer Profiling Models. In: Jan Devos, Steven De Haes (Eds.), ECIME 2014 8th European Conference on IS Management and Evaluation ECIME 2014 Ghent, Belguim, 1–8, Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, Reading, UK, 2014.
- Johannes Holvitie, Software Implementation Knowledge Management with Technical Debt and Network Analysis. In: Rébecca Deneckère, Marko Bajec, Martine Collard (Eds.), IEEE Eighth International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, 604–609, IEEE, 2014.
- Johannes Holvitie, Sami Hyrynsalmi, Ville Leppänen, Technical Debt and the Effect of Agile Software Development Practices on It – An Industry Practitioner Survey. In: Randall Bilof (Ed.), 2014 6th IEEE International Workshop on Managing Technical Debt, 35–42, IEEE, 2014.
- A.K.M. Najmul Islam, Matti Mäntymäki, Relationship Attachment and Subjective Vitality as Outcomes of Social Networking Site Use. In: Americas Conference on Information Systems, AIS, 2014.
- Kashif Javed, Elena Troubitsyna, Towards Systematic Design of Adaptive Fault Tolerant Systems. In: David Musliner, Elena Troubitsyna, Dan Tamir (Eds.), The Sixth International Conference on Adaptive and Self-Adaptive Systems and Applications, 15 – 21, IARIA 2014, 2014.
- Kashif Javed, Elena Troubitsyna, A Structured Approach to Architecting Fault Tolerant Services. In: Guadaloupe Ortiz, Elena Troubitsyna, Sergio De Agostino (Eds.), The Ninth International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services, 99 – 104, IARIA 2014, 2014.
- Lotta Kauhanen, Laura-Maria Murtola, Juho Heimonen, Tuija Leskinen, Kari Kalliokoski, Elina Raivo, Tapio Salakoski, Sanna Salanterä, Documentation of the Clinical Phase of the Cardiac Rehabilitation Process in a Finnish University Hospital District. In: Kaija Saranto, Maaret Castrén, Tiina Kuusela, Sami Hyrynsalmi, Stina Ojala (Eds.), Safe and Secure Cities, Communications in Computer and Information Science 450, 57–67, Springer International Publishing, 2014.
- Nauman A. Khan, Natalia Díaz Rodríguez, Riitta Danielsson-Ojala, Hanna Pirinen, Lotta Kauhanen, Sanna Salanterä, Joachim Majors, Sebu Björklund, Kimmo Rautanen, Tapio Salakoski, Ilona Tuominen, Ivan Porres, Johan Lilius, Smart Dosing: A Mobile Application for Tracking the Medication Tray-Filling and Dispensation Processes in Hospital Wards. In: Juan Carlos Augusto, Klaus-Hendrick Wolf (Eds.), 6th International Workshop on Intelligent Environments Supporting Healthcare and Well-being (WISHWell'14), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1–10, Springer, 2014.
- Linas Laibinis, Dmitry Klionskiy, Elena Troubitsyna, Anatoly Dorokhov, Johan Lilius, Mikhail Kupriyanov,Modelling Resilience of Data Processing Capabilities of CPS. In: Istvan Majzik, Marco Vieira (Eds.), Software Engineering for Resilient Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8785, 55–70, Springer, 2014.
- Matti Mäntymäki, A.K.M. Najmul Islam, Voyeurism and Exhibitionism as Gratifications from Prosuming Social Networking Sites. In: ECIS, AIS, 2014.
- Hans Moen, Juho Heimonen, Laura-Maria Murtola, Antti Airola, Tapio Pahikkala, Virpi Terävä, Riitta Danielsson-Ojala, Tapio Salakoski, Sanna Salanterä, On Evaluation of Automatically Generated Clinical Discharge Summaries. In: Ellen A. A. Jaatun, Elizabeth Brooks, Kirsti Berntsen, Heidi Gilstad, Martin Gilje Jaatun (Eds.),Proceedings of the 2nd European Workshop on Practical Aspects of Health Informatics (PAHI 2014), Ceur Workshop Proceedings 1251, 101–114, WISU Verlag Aachen, 2014.
- Ethiopia Nigussie, Antti Hakkala, Seppo Virtanen, Jouni Isoaho, Energy-Aware Adaptive Security Management for Wireless Sensor Networks. In: Silvia Giordano, Sanjay Jha (Eds.), Proceedings of 2014 IEEE 15th International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks, 1–4, IEEE, 2014.
- Tapio Pahikkala, Fast Gradient Computation for Learning with Tensor Product Kernels and Sparse Training Labels. In: Pasi Fränti, Gavin Brown, Marco Loog, Francisco Escolano, Marcello Pelillo (Eds.), Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition (S+SSPR 2014), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8621, 123–132, Springer, 2014.
- Tapio Pahikkala, Michiel Stock, Antti Airola, Tero Aittokallio, Bernard De Baets, Willem Waegeman, A Two-Step Learning Approach for Solving Full and Almost Full Cold Start Problems in Dyadic Prediction. In: Toon Calders, Floriana Esposito, Eyke Hüllermeier, Rosa Meo (Eds.), Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD 2014), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8725, 517–532 , Springer, 2014.
- Samuel Rönnqvist, Peter Sarlin, Alluvial SOTM: Visualizing Transitions and Changes in Cluster Structure of the Self-Organizing Time Map. In: Robert S Laramee, Min Chen (Eds.), The Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis), Eurographics, 2014.
- Samuel Rönnqvist, Peter Sarlin, From Text to Bank Interrelation Maps. In: Antoaneta Serguieva, Dietmar Maringer, Vasile Palade, Rui Jorge Almeida (Eds.), 2014 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering & Economics (CIFEr), 48–54, IEEE, 2014.
- Samuel Rönnqvist, Xiaolu Wang, Peter Sarlin, Interactive Visual Exploration of Topic Models Using Graphs. In: Robert S Laramee, Min Chen (Eds.), The Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis), n/a, Eurographics, 2014.
- Petter Sandvik, SPECTA: A Formal Specification Language for Content Transfer Algorithms. In: The 15th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM 2014), 1–4, IEEE, 2014.
- Leonidas Tsiopoulos, Fareed Ahmed Johkio, Georgios Georgakarakos, Andreas Dahlin, Johan Lilius, Teaching Many-Core Programming . In: 10th European Workshop on Microelectronics Education, EWME 2014 , 7–10, IEEE, 2014.
- Ethiopia Nigussie, Jouni Isoaho, Runtime Adaptation Key to Extend Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks. In: Mengqi Zhou, Liang Liu (Eds.), 2013 15th IEEE International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT 2013) , 523–527, IEEE, 2013.
- Thomas Canhao Xu, Ville Leppänen, Martti Forsell, DSNOC: A Hybrid Dense-Sparse Network-on-Chip Architecture for Efficient Scalable Computing. In: Xingang Liu, Laurence T. Yang, Chao Sun, Kai Kang (Eds.),Proceedings of the IEEE 11th International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing (DASC), 528–535, IEEE, 2013.
- Thomas Canhao Xu, Ville Leppänen, Pasi Liljeberg, Juha Plosila, Hannu Tenhunen, PDNOC: An Efficient Partially Diagonal Network-on-Chip Design. In: R. Wyrzykowski, J. Dongarra, K. Karczewski, J. Waśniewski (Eds.),Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics (PPAM), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8384, 513–522, Springer, 2013.
Chapters in edited books (1):
- Sampsa Rauti, Ville Leppänen, Man-in-the-Browser Attacks in Modern Web Browsers. In: Babak Akhbar, Hamid Arabnia (Eds.), Emerging Trends in ICT Security, Emerging Trends in Computer Science & Applied Computing, 169–480, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2014.
Ph.D. thesis (2):
- Muhammad Nazrul Islam, Design and Evaluation of Web Interface Signs to Improve Web Usability: A Semiotic Framework. TUCS Dissertations 184. Åbo Akademi University, 2014.
- Henri Korvela, Virtual Communities – A Virtual Treasure Trove for End-User Developers. TUCS Dissertations 174. 2014.
Technical reports (3):
- Sepinoud Azimi, Cristian Gratie, Sergiu Ivanov, Luca Manzoni, Ion Petre, Antonio E. Porreca, Complexity of Model Checking for Reaction Systems. TUCS Technical Reports 1122, TUCS, 2014.
- Sepinoud Azimi, Cristian Gratie, Sergiu Ivanov, Ion Petre, Dependency Graphs and Mass Conservation in Reaction Systems. TUCS Technical Reports 1123, TUCS, 2014.
- Benjamin Byholm, Fareed Jokhio, Adnan Ashraf, Sébastien Lafond, Johan Lilius, Ivan Porres, Cost-Efficient, Utility-Based Caching of Expensive Computations in the Cloud. TUCS Technical Reports 1121, TUCS, 2014.